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EXclusive News – February 2023

EXclusive News – February 2023


Welcome to the latest edition of EXclusive News, produced by Brand Experiences. This month we list some examples of creating great Moments that Matter, share some fresh and original thought leadership and recommend some interesting industry reports. We’re EXcited to bring you this newsletter and if you find it useful, do share it with your networks.

Tool Time

Partnering with the Institute of Internal Communication, we created the Employee Experience Opportunity in 2020. We have produced a number of things, which are free-to-use, including the EXO Survey, a whole bagful of EX Tools and an EXO ROI Calculator.

One of the things we frequently get asked for are suggestions of activities for a ‘Moment that Matters’. It’s our belief that these should come internally ‘from the people, for the people’ and arise from workshopping the moment with existing employees. However, here’s some low-cost or no-cost examples from our client work from across the Employee Lifecycle:

  • Hiring: allow final shortlisted candidates the option to talk to a non-hiring member of the team.
  • First day: give a welcome card from the team and, perhaps, a small, relevant gift.
  • Support: encourage colleagues to contact one other colleague per day just to check in with how they are.
  • Recognition: introducing a culture of saying ‘thank you’.
  • Alumni: sending the annual company brochures to ex-colleagues, to keep them up-to-date and perhaps encourage a sale!

Mojo Matters

Our motivation platform is designed to drive productivity, boost wellbeing and build resilience. Here’s a testimonial from one of our happy customers:

If you feel your employees need some support in getting their mojo back, then email: You can read more about mojo via the dedicated website.

Monetising the Employee Experience

This book, co-written by Mike Sharples and Nicholas Wardle, is a practical guide on how to build the case for investment in EX, how to achieve senior leadership buy-in, and the tools you’ll need to develop a winning culture.

A reviewer said:

"With so many competing interests vying for corporate budgets, it is refreshing to see a compelling connection between employee experience and the bottom line. This book makes the business case in a way that should force every CEO to sit up and take notice. I thoroughly recommend it!”

You can purchase your copy here.

EX Events

Employee Experience Toolkit - Q&A webinar

  • 24 February 2023 at 1pm
  • Online
  • Free
  • Come along and hear some top tips on the EX Toolkit and have your questions answered

Kuwait Diversity & Inclusion Summit

  • 06–07 March 2023
  • Jumeirah Messilah Hotel​, Kuwait
  • Chargeable
  • Nicholas Wardle, will be giving a presentation on: How to create an inclusive Employee Experience

Health & Wellbeing @ Work conference

  • 14-15 March 2023
  • NEC, Birmingham
  • Chargeable
  • Nicholas Wardle will be delivering a session on: How to Design Effective Employee Experiences

EXtra EXtra...

Just in case you missed them, here’s some recent thought leadership across our channels and some reports we think you may find useful:

You can’t content your way to EDI success – Simply posting articles about Black History Month or Pride Month does not make you an inclusive employer

Creating a fiction-free Employee Experience will boost quality - Thinking of your employees as prime athletes will enable them to focus upon delivering upon expectations

Gallagher's annual State of the (IC & EX) Sector report - Which highlights that only a third of all organisations appear to be discussing EX at Exec Level

The 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer - Which highlights that job losses are causing the highest anxiety at 89%; so, a focus upon employee retention is surely required

The Big, Bad State of EX by FOUNT and TI People – Which highlights that 39% of respondents don't have an EX strategy at all

You can stay up-to-date with all things EX by following Brand Experiences on LinkedIn or via our website.