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EXclusive News – June 2024

EXclusive News – June 2024


Welcome to the latest edition of EXclusive News, brought to you by Brand Experiences. This month we spotlight some of our services, discuss ‘The Searcher’ and offer some practical EX improvement suggestions. We’re EXcited to bring you this newsletter and if you find it useful, do share it with your networks.

Our Culture, Customer Experience, Employee Experience and Sustainability support offerings

We have a wide range of services that support the four things we care most about. Here’s three of them which you may wish to consider.

Culture Assessment: Every organisation is unique, and so are its cultural dynamics. Our Culture Assessment is customisable to fit the specific needs and context of your organisation, whether it's a small start-up or a multinational corporation. Let us help you uncover the essence of your organisation’s culture and support you towards fostering a workplace that thrives on positivity, productivity, and alignment. Find out more.

Film & Video Production: There is overwhelming evidence that video is the most effective medium for both online and social media platforms. Just consider the popularity of YouTube and TikTok. Yet, despite this, very few businesses have been able to take full advantage of this powerful and engaging medium. Like most things in business, the key to a successful outcome is proper planning and preparation. Each film we produce will have a very specific message, targeted at a specific audience, that in turn will increase its effectiveness and produce better outcomes. Find out more.

Mojo: Our motivation platform drives productivity, boosts wellbeing and builds resilience. It helps organisations to get the best out of their people, by helping them to get the most out of their work. Mojo unlocks lost productivity and improves the ROI on what for most organisations is their biggest investment—their people. It not only benefits employees, but managers, organisations and the all-important customer. Find out more.

You can view the whole range of our current services on our website.

Mojo motivator of the month – The Searcher

There are nine recognised intrinsic motivators. This month we focus upon ‘The Searcher’.

The Searcher is motivated by the need for meaning and wants to engage in activities that are valuable for their own sake. They seek work that is important and significant, not just for money or status. They strive to make a difference in the quality of work and life, always looking for something better or a cause to champion.

If you have employees for which the above resonates, then you may wish to consider the following motivation strategies on an individual, team or organisation-wide basis.

Individual (What they can proactively do)

  • Clarify purpose in life and formulate a mission based on what they want to contribute and how they want to grow
  • Seek positive and quality feedback to grow and consider using social media for feedback opportunities
  • Improve communication skills in all forms: verbal, written and electronic
  • Identify core values and reward when consciously lived by
  • Avoid meaninglessness by finding ways to vary repetitive and routine work tasks

Team (How the manager and colleagues can support)

  • Provide positive feedback and communicate the results of their work
  • Avoid monotonous routines and look for ways to vary work
  • Obtain positive customer feedback and testimonials about the team's results
  • Improve regular communication using different modes (oral, written, electronic) and incorporating visual, oral and kinaesthetic approaches
  • Ensure that the team has appropriate equipment and materials for their work

Organisation (What high-level activities can support)

  • Define the organisation's core purpose and values
  • Collect positive customer feedback and testimonials
  • Improve communication in the workplace
  • Conduct employee surveys to gather feedback
  • Encourage team building and develop a team-oriented culture

If you’d like to understand more about intrinsic motivation, then view the mojo website or get in touch via:

Why do Employee Experience initiatives fall short?

Numerous studies highlight the importance of EX, yet few seem to be getting it right. Here, we highlight some common reasons why EX initiatives fail and then offer some suggestions for improvements. Read the full article here.

EX industry useful reports – June 2024

Just in case you missed them, here’s a round-up of some recent reports we think you may find useful. This month we feature reports from SHRM, Slack and Deloitte.

You can stay up-to-date with all things EX by following Brand Experiences on LinkedIn or via our website.