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How many 'quiet quitters' are at your organisation?

How many 'quiet quitters' are at your organisation?

What should work mean for me? This is a big question which, frankly, few organisations seek to actually answer. The low productivity levels across the globe are a sure sign that a good percentage of employees are not engaged in their role. This can lead them to become ‘quiet quitters’ – people present at work but who are emotionally disengaged from their role and who are probably coasting along.

The evidence tells that the more motivated someone is, the more productive they’ll be. Here's just three ways in which mojo can support organisations in having fewer quiet quitters.

  1. You can use mojo in recruitment, so you can understand a candidate's intrinsic motivations to assess if they match the role - e.g. would someone motivated by money truly connect to a low paid role in a charity? If you recruit on someone’s motivations, they’re more likely to connect to the role, and with the organisation and its purpose.
  2. Once you know an employee's intrinsic motivations, you can create action plans to increase the satisfaction of these - e.g. if someone is highly motivated by being an 'Expert' then give them lots of L&D opportunities and vehicles for them to share their knowledge.
  3. As you can see an overall motivation satisfaction score, you will be able to assess who is engaged with their work and who is likely to be a 'quiet quitter' - and then you can take action accordingly.