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The 3 Es of Productivity

The 3 Es of Productivity

Two major outcomes of a great Employee Experience are culture and productivity. In order to drive productivity, organisations need to focus on the 3 Es:

  • Energy: This is the motivation people bring to the role. The more energy people have, the better they’ll perform.
  • Environment: This is the working conditions. What tools and systems are in place? What support mechanisms are there for employees?
  • Emotion: This is how people are feeling. What is their mindset? Do they have an emotional connection to the organisation? How are colleagues connecting with each other?

A metaphor

Think of the organisation as the vehicle.

  • Productivity is the journey. Do people know where they want to get to? Have they been there before?
  • Energy is the fuel. Is there enough to make the journey? If not, how do you obtain more?
  • Environment is the route. Is it mapped out? Are lots of others travelling to the same place? What’s the road surface like? What’s the weather like?
  • Emotion is the driver. Do people know how to operate the vehicle? Are they in the right frame of mind? Will they get frustrated by other drivers?

Of these three components, Energy is the easiest to swiftly improve and will generate the quickest payback. In addition, Energy is also one of the most essential components of any endeavour. Cars cannot move without petrol/electricity. So, no amount of clear weather (Environment), or well-planned route (strategy), or skillful and temperate driving (Emotion) will help if there is no fuel (Energy) in the tank! Energy should, therefore, be the starting point of any productivity improvements. Generating greater energy (or motivation) will also give employees more resilience to deal with issues around Environment and Emotion.

To be clear, to achieve optimal productivity, and therefore ROI, all three areas need to be addressed; but it must also be recognised that those responsible for EX can’t do everything at once and momentum needs to be built through some quick wins that clearly demonstrate the value of improving the EX.

How to create that all-important energy

This is where mojo comes in. Motivation is derived from the Latin word, ‘movere’ which literally means ‘movement’. The more motivated someone is, the more effort/energy someone will bring to each work task. Mojo focusses on someone’s intrinsic motivation – by tapping into this, the employee will become energised and therefore more productive.

So, mojo will support with putting that all-important fuel into an employee’s tank. And all for less than a cup of coffee per employee per week.