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Monetising the Employee Experience

Monetising the Employee Experience

This book, co-written by Mike Sharples and Nicholas Wardle, is a practical guide on how to build the case for investment in EX, how to achieve senior leadership buy-in, and the tools you’ll need to develop a winning culture.

As Richard Branson says: “Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients.” Despite the popularity of this quote, whereas organisations spend big budgets chasing new leads and keeping current customers satisfied, few spend much money on the people who truly make the organisation succeed or fail: the employees. 

The lack of serious investment in the employee experience is a major factor in worldwide lost productivity totally over $7 trillion. The importance of this investment isn’t landing with the majority of senior leaders, though. This is leading to frustration from those working in HR, Internal Comms, Employee Engagement, Employee Experience and Learning & Development as they have suggestions and solutions for improvement, but, unlike investment in the customer experience, these aren’t making it onto the agendas of senior leaders. And without their buy-in, employee-related initiatives are doomed to fail.

This book will show you how to:

  • Build the business case for investing in the employee experience
  • Calculate how much more productive and profitable your organisation could be if you had a more motivated workforce
  • Deliver a great employee experience by using the EXO Tookit

Investing in the employee experience is a win:win:win.

  • It benefits the employees, as they have a more enjoyable and fulfilling work life. 
  • It benefits the business, as employees will be more productive. 
  • It benefits the customer, as they will be served by motivated and satisfied employees. 

It’s not: ‘Can you afford to invest in the employee experience?’, it’s: ‘Can you afford not to?’.

The book is available on Amazon and via other booksellers.

Monetising the Employee Experience (Book Cover)

Here’s what people are saying about the book:

"This is an extremely practical toolkit for anyone who wants to design extraordinary employee experiences and needs the business case, insights, and tools to make it happen. Don’t do EX without it!”

Denise Lee Yohn, author of What Great Brands Do and Fusion: How Integrating Brand and Culture Powers the World's Greatest Companies

“Brilliant insights for anyone who’s serious about placing their people at the centre of their business—I loved it!”

Andrew Stotter-Brooks, Vice President, Learning & Development, Etihad

“The central contention of the book is that the employee experience is equally if not more important than the customer experience; the latter depends on the former, in fact. Furthermore, the authors demonstrate conclusively that the ROI of our business is significantly increased once we adopt this line of thinking and this level of methodology." 

James Sale, Author, Mapping Motivation

“To transform your business and bottom line, it’s time to rewrite the role for your CEO—here’s celebrating the birth of the Chief Experience Officer.”

Fiona Anderson, Founder, My Change Expert and Valuing You.

“We spend huge amounts of time and resources creating the best Customer Experience. As Monetising the Employee Experience shows, we’re missing a trick. This book makes a powerful business case for investing in the EX, and gives you the information and tools to create an effective EX. 10/10 would recommend.” 

Peter Van Der Merwe, Head of Strategy & Content, Bydesign Communications